Current Employment Services

Routeways to Employment

Eligibility criteria:

  • Aged between 16-30
  • Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
  • Tower Hamlets resident

We provide:

  • One-to-one information, advice and guidance (IAG)
  • Support in CV preparation, job search, writing job applications and developing interview techniques
  • Vocational courses and accredited training to develop skills and enhance employability
  • Workshops to develop basic skills, such as computer literacy, communication and teamwork skills
  • Work placements to provide practical work experience
  • Support in accessing the right employment opportunity for each individual through a job brokerage service
  • Support with Apprenticeship


Aim Higher

Aim Higher is a project co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and London Councils, and led by Redbridge CVS. The aim is to engage economically inactive and long term unemployed residents from the following target groups:

  • People from ethnic groups with low labour market participation rates
  • Women facing barriers to employment
  • Parents with long term work limiting health conditions
  • People with mental health needs
  • Homelessness and/or People recovering from drug and/or alcohol addiction or misuse

We will provide support to clients to increase opportunity of securing employment. This includes personalised one to one information advice and guidance, mentoring, workshop, non-accredited and accredited training, soft skills, employability skills, work placements, volunteering opportunities. Further support will be provided to those in employment for up to 26 weeks and access to further education or training,

To be eligible for the project you must be:

  • A resident of Tower Hamlets or City of London
  • 19 or over
  • Not on the Work Programme or any other mainstream programme
  • Not working
  • Eligible to live and work in the UK (leave to remain must be at least 3+ years)
  • Unemployed for more than 6 months continuously if you are under 25
  • (OR)
  • Unemployed more than 12 months continuously if you are over 25
  • (OR)
  • Economically inactive which includes looking after family and home, in full-time education, long-term sickness and retirement

This programme is not restricted to Tower Hamlets residents and City of London. Please contact us if you live in other Boroughs and we will refer you to one of our other Local Enterprise Partners.


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