Health Expo 2012

The Osmani Trust Health Trainers would like to invite you to our 2012 Health Expo event which will be held on Thursday 9th February 2012 at the new Osmani Centre.

The health event is part of the ‘week of celebration’ where several events will be taking place throughout the half term week to celebrate the opening of the new centre.

The 2012 Health Expo event will aim to unite professionals from the health and wellness industries, NHS services and local community groups with the general public

to encourage a lifestyle of health and wellbeing through networking, information sharing, taster exercise sessions and awareness of local health services.

We are aiming to make this event a real success and with your support, it can be even better. On the day activities will include: free health checks, taster exercise sessions, health information stalls, head and neck massage and of course, food tasters and refreshments all day.

We would like to invite you to hold a stall at our event and promote your services to local people. We are anticipating having over 300 people attend on the day.

Please book your stalls using the attached ‘Stall Booking Form’ and do it early as places are very limited.

Set up for stall holders: 9.00am
Start time: 10.00am
End time: 2.00pm

Please see the attached flyer for further details about the day, the location and how to get there.

Please pass on the message to all the people you work with about the event and encourage them to come along.

Also circulate this email and flyer to as many of your contacts as possible. Feel free to print the attached flyer and distribute and/or display as a poster.

If there is anything else you would like to know or discuss, please do let us know on 0207 247 8080 or by email.

We look forward to seeing you there.


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