HT News and Events


Osmani Trust Health Trainers in partnership with Living with Autism (LWA) delivered a 3 day training course, which was split over several weeks on dealing with stress – presented by the Uganda Diaspora Health Foundation.

This course was attended by parents with caring responsibilities for a child with disabilities along with staff that encounter families with disabilities. 12 people attended this course which took place at the Osmani Centre over several Saturdays.

The training aimed at developing participants with new skills to help manage their daily stresses. It taught mindfulness and value based goal setting skills that helped participants gain clarity about their daily direction in life and battle less with their own thinking. The 3 day course was split over several weeks to allow participants to integrate their set goals into their lifestyle and measure their well-being better.

Special focus was emphasised on participants developing psychological flexibility (holding on own thoughts and emotions a bit more lightly and with a little more perspective) which frees people up to do the things in life that are most important. This method was particularly helpful when facing difficult pressure from participants own self and others to manage stressful circumstances.

Healthy refreshments were provided for all that took part in the 3 day course. After the success of the course, participants made the following comments:

“I came to the course with my clients in mind, so that I can help them better but it ended up with me benefitting from it the most” said one participant that works in a children’s centre.

“This course really helped me to realise that I do so many things in my life without concentration, like drive, prepare breakfast etc., by doing this course, I am a lot more alert about my environment and how it effects my emotions.”

“I feel stressed out easily so by doing this course I have learnt the importance to take time off for myself and just have a quiet space to recover my mind. Before this training, I use to allow all the noise and colour of the world get into my head.”

“The course took place on Saturdays and I have family so it’s tough to do anything, but I actually enjoyed coming out to the course and do something for me alone. It was time I invested for myself which I don’t do, it felt good, and I loved the course.”

“The food provided was healthy and with so much choice, it’s one of the best refreshments I have seen at a course, I hope Osmani Trust and LWA run more courses like this.”


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