Search - school

Vacancy: Caseworker and Schools Resilience Officer – BBG Programme

Caseworker and Schools Resilience Officer Better Bethnal Green (BBG) programme Pay: £14.00 per hour Hours: Up to 24 hours a week, part-time We are looking to recruit a Caseworker who will be supporting young people (11-24 yrs) and their families with history/at risk of serious violence, offering weekly tailored interventions and family support for up… Read more

School Resilience Programme

School Resilience Programme

Osmani Trust has a long-standing and award-winning track record of delivering early intervention in schools and in the community for those at risk of joining gangs, crime, violence, and exploitation. The School Resilience Programme (SRP) is an early intervention programme that aims to change the attitude of at-risk pupils toward education and to build resilience… Read more

Andrew Grant, Tower Hamlets School Sports Co-ordinator

Osmani Trust are a very committed and enthusiastic organisation that reaches out to the local community and provides them with experiences and opportunities that directly or indirectly have a positive attitude to their members and also the wider community.

Carol Rider – Christchurch Primary school

Carol Rider – Christchurch Primary school

We have been delighted with the professional and dedicated provision Osmani Trust have provided here at Christ Church Primary School over the year. Osmani Trust have worked hard to ensure engagement of all our children both boys and girls, this inclusive and yet high expectation approach has been a particular benefit to our children.

School Based Girls Coaching Ends with a Bang!

School Based Girls Coaching Ends with a Bang!

The Football in the Community project closed the curtains on another very successful school based coaching year with a fantastic girl’s tournament held at Christ Church School in Brick Lane. More than fifty girls from Christ Church, Osmani, Stewart Headlam and Smithy Street school came together to celebrate the hard work over the year and… Read more

THICN – Community working together to reduce Youth Violence

We want to invite local voluntary and community organisations, faith groups, schools, businesses, parents and individuals to take a lead and work together to reduce youth violence on the Isle of Dogs.

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